








擅长领域: 反刍动物营养与饲料科学



2011.09-2018.06  中国农业大学    动物科技学院  动物营养与饲料科学    博士、硕士

2007.09-2009.06  中国农业大学    动物科技学院  动物营养与饲料科学    学士

2005.09-2007.06  内蒙古农业大学  动物科学学院  动物营养与饲料科学    学士


2016.07-2018.08  诺伟司国际贸易(上海)有限公司;

2017.03         中荷奶业发展中心奶牛大学牧场高级管理人培训;

2013.05-2013.08  杭州杭江奶牛场实习;

2013.07  参加“动物营养生化与前沿技术研究生暑期学校”培训;

2013.05  参加牛精英计划与威斯康星雷和分校举办的“高级奶牛营养与管理”课程培训;

2012.12  参加牛精英计划与亚达-艾格威举办的“奶牛场信息化管理”培训。


20132018 “消化道内乳脂肪前体物的生成机制及其与瘤胃微生物区系之间的关系” (973计划子课题,项目编号:2011CB100801


1. 立足我国奶牛现实日粮结构和组成条件,在不同结构性碳水化合物与纤维性碳水化合物模式下,研究泌乳奶牛瘤胃微生物饲料细胞壁养分降解酶与瘤胃主要乳脂肪前体物挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)和中长链脂肪酸的昼夜变化规律;对短中长链脂肪酸在全肠道中消化吸收特性及其乳中脂肪酸组成影响。

2. 分析酶谱变化与VFA在瘤胃内的生成量和比例及其与瘤胃发酵调控关系;解析提高乳脂肪前体物生成的酶谱结构与组成特征。

20112013 “奶牛瘤胃真菌酶谱特征与饲料细胞壁降解作用”


1. 筛选奶牛瘤胃厌氧真菌,结合形态学和分子生物学进行真菌多样性研究;

2. 分析不同真菌的纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、木质素降解酯酶酶谱特征存在的属间和种间差异;

3. 以不同饲草饲料和秸秆饲料及其中性洗涤纤维作为模式饲料细胞壁底物,研究具有不同酶谱特征的真菌纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、木质素降解酯酶在降解饲料细胞壁和释放代谢产物中的作用功效及其互作关系。


1. BAI Sarvvl, CAO Zhi-jun, JIN Xin, WANG Ya-jing, YANG Hong-jian, LI Sheng-li. 2018. The effects of step-wise improvement of forage combination in total mixed rations on fatty acid profile in the rumen and milk of Holstein cows. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17(08):1833-1842.

2. Sarvvl BAI, Zhijun CAO, Binbin CAO, Hongjian YANG, Shengli LI and Jianxin LIU. 2018. The effects of different forage combinations in total mixed rations on in vitro gas production kinetic, ruminal and milk fatty acid profiles of lactating cows. Animal Science of Journal, 89(9): 1261-1270.

3. Sarula Bai and Hong-jian Yang. 2015. Diurnal fatty acid variations in the rumen and associated milk fatty acid profiles of Holstein cows fed high-concentrate total mixed rations with different forage combinations. The 10th Korea Japan China Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. Korea. P 9. Oral presentation. Abstract.

4. Sarula Bai and Hong-jian Yang. 2014. Diurnal long-chained fatty acid variation in the rumen of lactating cows fed high-concentrate total mixed rations with different forage combinations. The 4th International Symposium on Gastrointestinal Microbial Ecology and Functionality. Nanjing. Oral presentation and Poster. Abstract.

5. Sarula Bai and Hongjian Yang. 2013. Ruminal volatile fatty acid production rate and yield of lactating dairy cow fed total mixed rations differing in forage combination. The 3rd International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality. Beijing. P 366. Poster. Abstract.

6. Chuanqi Xia, Yixun Liang, Sarula Bai, Yang He, Muhammad Aziz Ur Rahman, Huawei Su and Binghai Cao. 2017. Effects of harvest time and added molasses on nutritional content, ensiling characteristics and in vitro degradation of whole crop wheat. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. DOI: 10.5713/ajas.17.0542.

7. J. H. CUI, H. J. YANG, C. Q. YU, S. BAI, S. S. SONG, T. T. WU, W. SUN, X. M. SHAO and L. S. JIANG. 2016. Effect of urea fertilization on biomass yield, chemical composition, in vitro rumen digestibility and fermentation characteristics of forage oat straw in Tibet of China. Journal of Agricultural Science. DOI:10.1017/S0021859616000198.

8. J. H. CUI, H. J. YANG, C. Q. YU, S. BAI, T. T. WU, S. S. SONG, W. SUN, X. M. SHAO and L. S. JIANG. 2016. Effect of urea fertilization on biomass yield, chemical composition, in vitro rumen digestibility and fermentation characteristics of straw of highland barley planted in Tibet. The Journal of Agricultural Science. DOI:10.1017/S0021859615000805.

9. Bin-Bin Cao, Rui Wang, Yu-kun Bo, Sarula Bai, Hong-jian Yang. 2016. In situ rumen digestibility of ester-linked ferulic and p-coumaric acids in crop stover or straws in comparison with alfalfa and Chinese wild ryegrass hays. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 212: 27-34.

10. 白萨茹拉,杨红建,李胜利. 2013. 不同粗饲料组合全混合日粮对泌乳奶牛体外瘤胃挥发性脂肪酸生成动力学特性的影响. 动物营养学报. 25 (12): 2920-2927.

11. 刘利林,白萨茹拉,杨红建,刘桂芹,江春雨,王沛勇. 2017. 马属动物碳水化合物消化在维系盲肠微生物区系稳定与宿主机体健康中的作用. 动物营养学报. 29 (10): 3429-3435.

12. 沈莎莎, 杨红建, 任清长, 白萨茹拉, 张晓明. 2012. 体外产气法评定植酸酶对稻糠、玉米麸和麦麸瘤胃发酵特性的影响. 动物营养学报. 24(9): 1825-1831.



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